My Blog for June 18, 2015
Since Silver Strutter is a Tennessee Walker champion in Silver Strutter Dead, my latest book, I thought I would share some continuing controversy about the way these amazing animals are viewed.
At the end of summer, the last week before Labor Day is the time of the Tennessee Walking Horse Celebration in Shelbyville, Tennessee. While there is no question the animals are exquisite, the
way many of them are treated is an ugly story. It's all about money again... whichever horse owner wins the plethora of competitions wins big purses. Add to that the money the owner/breeders can make in stud fees from winning horses and it adds up to offset owners' monstrous fees to keep their barns functioning.
This information comes from a Tennessee Newspaper (out of context).
Inspection data for Celebration
released (12/31/14)
The USDA inspection numbers for The Celebration show 52 percent of swab tests were positive. A total of 125 swab samples were taken, with 65 showing positive for foreign substances, USDA data shows. Not every horse is inspected. For blood tests, five of 103 horses tested positive, according to USDA data...
The USDA inspection numbers for The Celebration show 52 percent of swab tests were positive. A total of 125 swab samples were taken, with 65 showing positive for foreign substances, USDA data shows. Not every horse is inspected. For blood tests, five of 103 horses tested positive, according to USDA data...
The scar rule and
disturbing information (10/02/14)
During the 2014 Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration, one thing was evident; the scar rule was being interpreted differently by the United States Department of Agriculture and the SHOW HIO. And since the show ended, media have reported that violations doubled and soring is still rampant in the Walking Horse industry. It's time to look at some facts...
During the 2014 Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration, one thing was evident; the scar rule was being interpreted differently by the United States Department of Agriculture and the SHOW HIO. And since the show ended, media have reported that violations doubled and soring is still rampant in the Walking Horse industry. It's time to look at some facts...
What is The HSUS doing to end soring?
Working on a national level
Humane Society of the United States is actively working to end soring by
encouraging Congress to pass the PAST Act. We are also strongly
urging the USDA to step up its enforcement of the Horse Protection Act,
encouraging Congress to provide more funding for the HPA, offering awards to
bring horse abusers to justice and supporting breed and industry organizations
that promote the natural gait and humane treatment of Tennessee Walking Horses.
Reaching out to law enforcement
As part of a larger effort to educate and assist law-enforcement
agencies regarding animal cruelty, The HSUS has sent county sheriffs in Tennessee,
Ohio and Kentucky resources such as posters advertising rewards for
tips on soring and details about how the HSUS Animal Rescue Team can help law-enforcement
agencies care for animals who are at risk during natural disasters.
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