
You've entered Melodyland, where perception is slightly skewed, potential is limitless and imaginary people live happily ever after

Friday, October 21, 2011

10/21/11 No Poem Day

I'm getting over the bent to poeticize, so will philosophize instead.  Today I'm going to the Bowen Center to talk with Marcia, the very excellent director there, and look into what I might be able to do that's helpful.  A lot of people volunteer at the Bowen, and though it's technically an art center, it's really a community center, where people meet to quilt, paint, plan events, stage events, rehearse, hang painting shows, hang photography shows, attend classes, have luncheons and dinners, and more.  I've assigned myself the task of organizing since all the other people don't want to do that.  Stuff for all of the aforementioned uses is saved and reused, restocked, and stashed in two fairly sufficient rooms.  With so many people having access to all the tools and accessories, stuff tends to merge into each other, so art gets put in with the acting stuff, munchies get sprinkled among the picture hanging utinsels.   Moi has designated herself Master Organizer.   I'll let you know if it works.  :)

I just finished reading Garden Spells--an analyzer's paradise.  It's so full of metaphors and personification it could be manipulated to mean a huge variety of things.  Mostly, I think the mysticism it depicts touches on the part of us humans that is inexpainable.  We see things differently each from the next person, we interpret things differently- that we cross over or collide at all is purely coincidental.  This story gives a reason for things being what they are to each character.  While life is never that simplistic, it's a satisfying book to read.  The omnicient value of the reader makes it all understandable, whereas in reality we only get one perspective.  I was glad to not have the dark side show up in it.  I guess I get tired of "reality" or "negativism" or whatever you call "justifiable."  In some places of this book, the charm is overwhelming--like the clouds thundering the sky like a herd of elephants.  Like when one character enjoys the happiness of the other.

The story is about two sisters who were estranged mentally by circumstances that occured when they were children, then physically estranged for about ten years.  They're pulled back together ostensibly by a tree, a town, a family name, as young adults and have to get to know each other since they never did as children.  The story brings in many of the small town inhabitants along the way of the main characters building a relationship, thereby rebuilding an extended relationship as well.  It's probably classified as a romance, though it's more about several relationships than only one, and reads simplistically, with a bit of fantasy mixed in.

What I learned from it:  I'm old enough I already know that people change, but stick to who they used to be in fear of that change.  The reasons we become who we are can be a detriment to the opportunities life sends us if we refuse to modify who we are.  Anyway, picky reader that I am, I didn't expect for it to hold my interest, since relationship stories usually hit me as too formula and trite.  Bit this one was kind of nice as a change from my suspense roll.


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