
You've entered Melodyland, where perception is slightly skewed, potential is limitless and imaginary people live happily ever after

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

My blog for 8/6/2013 The republishing experience

I'm going to have to republish Auraria Dead in order to keep it in Amazon because my contract with the publisher expired.  This is a sad story for me, because I have no concept of how to do this--it will be essentially self-published and this self must take baby steps and ask foolish questions to find out how it must be done.

Create Space is a branch of Amazon--the self-publishing branch.  They of course assume I know what I'm doing with their digital requirements, font sizes and magic widgets.  But of course I don't.

So far I've managed to get Auraria Dead a second ISBN# in my name instead of my publisher's name.
I've managed to get the text into a format I hope will be accepted by Create Space.  I've somehow been signed up for several sites I didn't know I wanted that exploring Create Space had tagged to my emails.  All I have to do now is figure out how to use them, and of course, whether I wish to use them.  As you all know, getting unlisted on a site is much more difficult than getting listed.

As for the new book, Chattahoochee Dead, a preliminary cover has been developed (at least in my mind).  I have the main drawing, (thankyou Michaeleah Tristram) with the parrot, the idea for the lettering, the series note at the bottom of the page and am honing in on color.  Those are the hard parts so I feel good about them.  I want to get the design finished so I can order preliminary postcards to announce the coming date of publishing when I know it.

I shall keep you informed.

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